NAHDO Announcements

Understandable Procedure Labels for Medicare Provider Utilization and Payment Files

The Medicare Provider Utilization and Payment File for 2013 was released on Monday with the consumer friendly code descriptors. 

You can download the data by clicking this link:

Or you can use the Look-up Tool on (one of the two banners will take you to the look-up tool)

Model All-Payer Claims Database Legislation


With support from the Gary and Mary West Health Policy Center, the APCD Council has developed model legislation guidance for states to develop all-payer claims database legislation.

Read the brief.

Publication date: May 14, 2015

Authors: Lucy Hodder, Jo Porter, Denise Love, Ashley Peters

Citation: Hodder, L., Porter, J., Love, D. and Peters, A., Model All-Payer Claims Database Legislation, APCD Council and West Health Policy Center, May 2015.

State Models for Health Care Cost Measurement: A Policy and Operational Framework

The report, “State Models for Health Care Cost Measurement: A Policy and Operational Framework,” looks at total cost of care measurement activities in four states, their rates of increase over time, and the policy priorities in each state that are driving the activity. It examines the questions these states had to ask in determining total cost of care measurement—where data comes from, what to count, how to count—and how they answered them.

This report was prepared at the request of the states doing this work so that they could document and compare each other’s approach. The pioneering strategies to limit the rate of health care cost growth—and to measure each state's performance—merit the attention of other states, policymakers, and observers.

Read the Report

MONAHRQ® Software Expanded to Facilitate Improved Reporting

MONAHRQ® Software Expanded to Facilitate Improved Reporting

A software tool that facilitates health care quality reporting has been substantially upgraded to allow users to create websites and reports on quality data for hospitals, emergency departments, nursing homes and physicians.

MONAHRQ® is software developed by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). State agencies and other reporting organizations in 15 states already use MONAHRQ to support their public reporting of health care quality. Any organization can use MONAHRQ, either with data it already has, or by importing publicly available data about any hospital or nursing home in the country.