Hospitals, health review organizations, and others user the AHRQ Patient Safety Indicators (PSI) and other measures to monitor and help improve the quality of hospital care. These users may be aware that the ability to create national benchmarks for the PSIs requires 12 months of data. For this reason, while use of the PSIs are suitable for use on monitoring individual hospital use (e.g. quarter or year over year comparisons) for discharges starting 10/1/15, national severity adjusted benchmark data will not be available until an as yet-to-be-determined date in the 2nd half of 2017 due to the need to collect and process ICD-10 codes data for the complete 2016 calendar year. In the interim, PSI users may wish to consider an alternative: the 3M™ Potentially Preventable Complications Grouping Software. This session will feature NAHDO member Joseph Greenway, Director of the Center for Health Information at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas and Elizabeth McCullough, Director of Clinical and Economic Research at 3M Health Information Systems.
Webinar can be viewed here
For further information about the 3MTMPotentially Preventable Complications software contact 3M HIS at 800-367-2447