Conference 30 Audio & Slides

30th Annual Conference - October 28-30, 2015 - Washington, DC
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All materials are property of the respective presenters,
and are only intended for personal use.


Wednesday, October 28, 2015 - Agenda

Welcome, Keynotes: Willis Goldbeck & Dr. Richard Kronick - Slides

National Perspectives Panel

  • Niall Brennan, Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services
  • Lucia Savage, Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology
  • Kathleen Nolan, National Association of Medicaid Directors
  • Denise Love, National Association of Health Data Organizations

Data Management & Dissemination Protocols

  • Kristy Thornton, Center for Healthcare Transparency - Slides
  • Joanne Sarachine, DataBay Resources & Theresa Mendoza, DFW Health Care Fdn - Slides
  • Myron Hepner, University of Michigan Health System - Slides
  • Herbert Fillmore, 3M Health Information Systems - Slides

ICD-10 Implementation
Moderator: Claudia Steiner, Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality

  • Pat Merryweather, Telligen - Slides
  • Patrick Romano, University of California, Davis - Slides
  • Diane Stollenwerk, Stollenwerks, Inc. (consultant to AHRQ's MONAHRQ) - Slides

Data Analysis & Applications - Slides
Moderator: Marilyn Schlein Kramer

  • Manuela Staneva, Mississippi State Department of Health
  • Theresa Mendoza, Dallas Ft. Worth Health Care Foundation
  • Kristy Thornton, Center for Healthcare Transparency - Slides
  • Susan Nedza, MPA Healthcare Solutions - Slides

Consumer-Oriented Uses of APCDs
Moderator: Joseph Greenway, Center for Health Information Analysis, UNLV

  • Srinivas Sridhara, Maryland Health Care Commission - Slides
  • Charles Hawley, Utah Department of Health - Slides
  • Katherine Bisek, UnitedHealthcare - Slides


All materials are property of the respective presenters,
and are only intended for personal use.


Thursday, October 29, 2015 - Agenda

Keynote: Dr. David Brailer, Health Evolution Partners - Slides

National Visionary Panel
Moderator: Craig Schneider, Mathematica Policy Research

  • Lucas Tramontozzi, SCI Solutions
  • Donna Smith, FAIR Health
  • Jay Want, Center for Improving Value in Health Care
  • Michael Lundberg, Virginia Health Information

New Technologies to Drive System Transformation
Moderator: Michael Pine, MPA Healthcare Solutions

  • Amy Kinner, Opoint Health Data & Pat Jones, Vermont Green Mountain Care Board - Slides
  • Jonathan Mathieu, Center for Improving Value in Health Care - Slides
  • Claudia Schur, Social & Scientific Systems - Slides
  • Remy Szykier, Aegis

Data Release & Sharing
Moderator: Mary Fields, New Hampshire Department of Health & Human Services

  • Bruce Cohen, National Committee on Vital & Health Statistics - Slides
  • Mary Beth Conroy, New York State Department of Health - Slides
  • Norm Thurston, Utah State Health Department

Roundtable: Hospidal Administrative Data Stewardship - Slides
Moderator: Barbara Rudolph

  • Anne Elixhauser, Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality
  • Heather Strosnider, Environmental Public Health Tracking, CDC

Maximizing APCD Technology for State Power Users
Moderator: Alan Prysunka, Milliman MedInsight

  • Jim Lucht, Office of the Health Insurance Commissioner for the State of Rhode Island - Slides
  • Michael Lundberg, Virginia Health Information
  • Dave Abernethy, Center for Improving Value in Health Care - Slides
  • Kathy Hines, Massachusetts Center for Health Information & Analysis - Slides

Using APCDs for Transparency - Slides
Moderator: Joseph Smith, West Health Institute

  • Susan Meldazy, Washington State Office of Financial Management
  • Lesia Carter, Arkansas Insurance Department Rate Review Division
  • Mary Beth Conroy, New York State Department of Health
  • Karynlee Harrington, Maine Health Data Organization


All materials are property of the respective presenters,
and are only intended for personal use.


Friday, October 30, 2015 - Agenda

Welcome & 2nd Annual APCD Pioneering Award
Denise Love, NAHDO; Jo Porter, University of New Hampshire; Patrick Miller, Pero Consulting Group

Effective Uses of APCD Data
Moderator: Robert Aseltine, UCONN Health

  • Jonathan Mathieu, Center for Improving Value in Health Care - Slides
  • Srinivas Sridhara, Maryland Health Care Commission - Slides
  • Stefan Gildemeister, Minnesota Department of Health - Slides
  • Jenney Samuelson, Vermont Bludprint for Health - Slides

APCDs: Cost Efficiency, Transparency & Quality

  • Mia DeSoto, Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality

Emerging Issues & What's on the Horizon
Moderator: Jo Porter, University of New Hampshire

  • Linda Bartnyska, Maryland Healthcare Commission
  • Ana English, Center for Improving Value in Health Care
  • Kyle Russell, Virginia Health Information
  • Marilyn Schlein Kramer, Massachusetts Center for Health Information


All materials are property of the respective presenters,
and are only intended for personal use.
