Details for all events are published in NAHDO News. Subscribe here.
Descriptions of each event series are available below.
All times are Eastern Time
8 - APCD Council Learning Network, 2 PM
13 - Debut of APCD-CDL v4.0, 2 PM
15 - Hot Topics Webinar, 2 PM
6 - Data Quality Forum, 2 PM
12 - APCD CEO Roundtable (invitation only), 2 PM
18 - Hospital Data Forum, 2 PM
APCD Council Affinity Groups, Dates and times TBD by participants
26 - Hot Topics Webinar, 2 PM
10 - APCD Council Learning Network, 2 PM
6-8 - 5th Annual In-Person Meetings and Networking Sessions, including:
- Hospital Data Forum
- APCD CEO Roundtable
APCD Council Affinity Groups, Dates and times TBD by participants
16 - Hot Topics Webinar, 2 PM
31 - APCD Council Learning Network, 2 PM
7 - Data Quality Forum, time TBD
19 - Hospital Data Forum, 2 PM
APCD Council Affinity Groups, Dates and times TBD by participants
10 - APCD CEO Roundtable (invitation only), 2 PM
17 - Hot Topics Webinar, 2 PM
9 - Data Quality Forum, time TBD
16 - APCD Council Learning Network, 2 PM
4-6 - 40th Annual Conference (Virtual)
18 - Hospital Data Forum, 2 PM
APCD Council Affinity Groups, Dates and times TBD by participants
10 - APCD CEO Roundtable (invitation only), 2 PM
Event Descriptions
- APCD Council Learning Network - An opportunity for people working on APCDs to share successes, questions and ideas with peers.
- APCD Council Affinity Groups - We are in the process of forming groups by area of focus, such as data management, privacy and security, and business operations. Each group will decide whether to meet and if so, when.
- APCD CEO Roundtable - APCD CEOs and Program Managers meet regularly to discuss challenges and successes at the C-suite or leadership level.
- Data Quality Forum - An open opportunity for anyone working with types of healthcare data to discuss issues related to data quality and generate solutions or opportunities to improve data quality.
- Hospital Data Forum - This is an opportunity for those working to collect and analyze hospital data (including ED and discharge data) to discuss challenges, successes and ideas in their field of work.
- Hot Topics Webinar - Four times a year, we host webinars on current topics of interest. All NAHDO members are invited to attend and participate free of charge.