Call for Abstracts (2024)

NAHDO's 39th Annual Conference

"Telling the Story: Strategies for Improving Healthcare Data"

Virtual Sessions: November 12-14, 2024

Priority Deadline: June 3, 2024
Final Deadline: June 28, 2024

NAHDO's Program Planning Committee is now accepting abstract submissions for our 39th Annual Conference. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: The submission form is only for individual presentation abstracts. 

If you have an idea for a (a) full session, (b) panel discussion, or (c) keynote speaker, please contact us directly at


Here are some ideas for session topics that are of particular interest to the planning committee:

Focus Area Suggested Topics of Interest
(1) National and State Policy Trends and Priorities

Opioids - Data and Policy

Behavioral Health - 42 CFR Part 2


Defining Race and Ethnicity

Climate Change and Health

Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity

Value-Based Payment Models

(2) Improving Health Care Value Through Analytics

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Predictive Analytics

Benchmarking and Comparative Effectiveness

Analytics for Success

Using data to catalyze change

Understanding your data and avoiding traps and errors

Engaging stakeholders 

Working toward identifying value

Impacting the business community - employer-focused analytics

Patient-reported outcome measures

Leveraging the richness of hospital data

Data Quality and Standardization

(3) Addressing Data Gaps and Identifying New Sources of Data

Using Data from the U.S. Census Bureau

Assessing Needs of Policy Makers

Looking to External Standards

Emerging Data Sources: Social media, wearable devices, patient-generated data.

Ethical Considerations for Using New Data Sources

(4) Data Sharing and Linkage Methods

Privacy-Enhancing Technologies - Anonymization or de-identification

Efforts to Ease the Sharing of Data (Technical Questions):

 - Infrastructure & FHIR 

 - Coordinating HIE and APCD data efforts

 - Federal Rules 

 - ONC & CMS interoperability rules 

 - Price transparency rules

 - Digital quality measures

 - Connecting Data Sharing to Improved Health Outcomes

Data Linkage:

 - Standardization

 - Integrated data systems

 - Identity Resolution

(5) Understanding Data Governance and Patient Privacy Policies

Ensuring data security

External data use - approval and monitoring

Technical issues

The role of Data Governance Councils in overseeing data use

Balancing data security with the need for access and innovation

(6) Health Equity Data, Analytics and Policy



Race, Ethnicity, Language (REALD) Data Sources

Strategies for mitigating bias

Engaging communities in data collection and analysis

(7) Operational Issues at Health Data Programs

Launching of new data programs and projects

Moving to the cloud

Questions related to funding 

Staffing and Training: Building and maintaining the data science workforce

Data Security and Cybersecurity Threats

Interoperability Challenges: Ensuring data can be easily exchanged between different systems

The Role of Data Champions: Promoting data-driven decision making within organizations

(8) How to Communicate Data and Information Effectively

Using Visualizations to Enhance Data Communication

Displaying data on mobile devices

B.I. requirements for data dissemination

Understanding your audience and the information consumer

Basic principles of communication

What did the pandemic teach us about communicating data?

Dealing with trade-offs

Communicating Uncertainty and Risk: Presenting data in a way that is clear and honest.

(9) Proud Moments and/or Difficult Challenges

Share a success story or present a challenge that you are still working on

Submissions that explore overcoming specific technical hurdles or achieving significant breakthroughs.

"Lessons learned" - share valuable insights from past experiences.

(10) Wild Card Great ideas that don't fit neatly into one of these categories